OS Upgrade or Fresh Install
Upgrading the OS
$ sudo apt update $ sudo apt upgrade -y $ sudo apt dist-upgrade $ sudo apt autoremove $ sudo apt install update-manager-core $ sudo do-release-upgrade
- Press "y" to confirm
- After summary display, press "y" to agree to upgrade
- After upgrade is complete, do restart the system and press "y" and "Enter"
After re-boot, Check release version:
$ lsb_release -a
If you need to do another LTS upgrade, do this again:
$ sudo do-release-upgrade
- Press "y" to confirm
- After summary display, press "y" to agree to upgrade
- After upgrade is complete, do restart the system and press "y" and "Enter"
After re-boot, Check release version:
$ lsb_release -a
Upgrading the OS
- Download the new OS server ISO and copy to the host machine's hard drive
- Tip: It is faster to download on a data-center server, and then copy to your office PC, and delete the server copy
- Add the ISO as the CD-Rom drive for the VM
- Connect to the VM from the VM (Hyper-V) Manager
- Re-start the VM from the host machine
- The installer should be running from the CD-ROM, follow the instructions to install the OS on the whole hard disk
- In the applications, choose SSH server and docker to be installed
- Login name: administrator; password: same as the previous VM
- Server name: redmine
- Ethernet setup:
- During the setup:
- Choose
, custom
for defining static IP - IP address: <your host server's IP Address>/24
- Name server: <DNS name server IP>
- Gateway: <your network gateway>
- On re-boot, remove the CD-ROM for the VM, so it does not boot from it
You can customize the netowork setup by editing
- On re-boot, remove the CD-ROM for the VM, so it does not boot from it
- Add to /etc/hosts, any items that are not published on the DNS server:
<your server IP address> REDMINE
<main server IP> <mail server domainname e.g>
<database server IP> <database server domain name>
<messaging server IP> <messagin server domainname>
Install docker (if needed)
This step is needed only if docker is not already installed
Instructions for Ubuntu-based OS :
1. Update and install pre-requisites
$ for pkg in docker-doc docker-compose podman-docker containerd runc; do sudo apt-get remove $pkg; done
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt upgrade -y
unattended-upgrades -- locally changed file was kept
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.130ubuntu3.13) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-4.15.0-213-generic
W: Operation was interrupted before it could finish
# Try to fix the error in building boot image:
$ sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
$ sudo update-grub
2. Add Docker's official GPG key:
$ sudo apt install ca-certificates curl gnupg
$ sudo install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings
$ curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg
3. Set up the repository:
$ echo "deb [arch="$(dpkg --print-architecture)" signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] "$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME")" stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null
4. Update the apt package index:
$ sudo apt update
To install and test the latest version of docker, run:
$ sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin
# test docker
$ sudo docker run hello-world
To be able to run the docker command without having to type sudo every time, run:
# Add group for docker (be aware of security concerns, it allows running as root)
$ sudo addgroup docker
# Add user "administrator" to docker group
$ sudo usermod -aG docker administrator
# Activate changes to the group to avoid re-starting the server
$ newgrp docker
# Now we can run docker commands without sudo
$ docker run hello-world
Redmine Setup
Prepare to Launch the Redmine Docker Image
Create assets in the docker host machine's local storage, so they will be preserved when the docker container is stopped
$ mkdir ~/downloads
$ mkdir ~/redmine-docker
$ cd ~/redmine-docker
$ mkdir assets
$ cd assets
$ mkdir plugins-new
$ mkdir plugins
$ mkdir themes
# This command is to prepare to provide email server and database config:
$ mkdir config
# For upgrading in the same OS:
# Copy previous redmine instance's files for the new instance:
$ sudo cp -r ~/www/redmine/files .
$ sudo cp -r ~/www/redmine/plugins/* ./plugins/
# This command is for Production Server only:
$ sudo cp -r ~/www/redmine/config/configuration.yml ./config/
# OR for Fresh OS, copy-in the backup files and extract them:
# Use scp in reverse direction from the backup computer to the
# downloads folder, and then extract the tar files as shown here:
$ tar -xzf ~/downloads/redmine-files.gz ./
$ tar -xzf ~/downloads/redmine-plugins.gz ./
$ tar -xzf ~/downloads/redmine-themes.gz ./
# Remove the obsolete plugins we got from the backup file, for example:
$ sudo rm -rf plugins/clipboard_image_paste
$ sudo rm -rf plugins/redmine_agile
$ sudo rm -rf plugins/redmine_custom_css
$ sudo rm -rf plugins/redmine_emojibutton
$ sudo rm -rf plugins/redmine_lightbox2
# Download or copy the new plugins
$ cd plugins-new
$ git clone time_logger
$ git clone view_customize
$ git clone redmine_messenger
$ wget -O
<your checklists plugin download link>
$ unzip
$ rm
$ wget -O <your lightbox2 plugin download link>
$ unzip
$ rm
# Install Coffee theme
$ cd ../themes
$ wget -O <your theme download link>
$ unzip
$ rm
$ cd ..
# Change ownership of the asset folders to the administrator
$ sudo chown -R administrator:docker plugins
$ sudo chown -R administrator:docker plugins-new
$ sudo chown -R administrator:docker files
$ sudo chown -R administrator:docker themes
$ sudo chown -R administrator:docker config
$ sudo chmod -R 777 plugins
$ sudo chmod -R 777 plugins-new
$ sudo chmod -R 777 files
$ sudo chmod -R 777 themes
$ sudo chmod -R 777 config
# move to the redmine docker project folder
$ cd ~/redmine-docker
Setup email server
For Production Server only:
- Create the file
$ nano assets/config/configuration.yml
- Make sure these items in the file are as shown below:
# = Redmine configuration file
# Each environment has it's own configuration options. If you are only
# running in production, only the production block needs to be configured.
# Environment specific configuration options override the default ones.
# Note that this file needs to be a valid YAML file.
# DO NOT USE TABS! Use 2 spaces instead of tabs for identation.
# default configuration options for all environments
# database command timeout
checkout_timeout: 30
# Outgoing emails configuration
# See the examples below and the Rails guide for more configuration options:
# ==== Simple SMTP server at localhost
# email_delivery:
# delivery_method: :smtp
# smtp_settings:
# address: "localhost"
# port: 25
# ==== SMTP server at using LOGIN authentication and checking HELO for
# email_delivery:
delivery_method: :smtp
address: <you mail server, e.g:>
port: <you smtp port>
authentication: :login
user_name: <your email client login>
password: <you email client password>
Press CTRL+S
and CTRL+X
to save and exit
Create SQL Server Database Config File
This section shows how to configure the SQL server as the database for Redmine, and set the timeout. Setting the timeout prevents errors when running queries. If you use a different database server, then change the values as needed by your database, or skip this section and use the configuration the docker compose file (shown below), as described in the Redmine installation documents, for your database.- Create the file
with the contents shown below :
$ nano assets/config/database.yml
File Contents:
adapter: "sqlserver"
host: "<SQL server host name or IP>"
port: "1433"
username: "<SQL server user for redmine database>"
password: "<SQL server password for redmine database user>"
database: "<Redmine database name>"
encoding: "utf8"
timeout: 30000
The last line with the timeout helps avoid SQL timeout errors when running queries in Redmine.
Press CTRL+S
and CTRL+X
to save and exit
Create Docker Compose File
In the folder ~/redmine-docker
, create a file compose.yaml
with the contents shown below:
# Create and edit the compose.yaml file
$ nano compose.yaml
File Contents:
version: '3.1'
# Build and run redmine docker image
# To run the image: sudo docker compose up
# Append -d to run detached (in the background)
# to run with upgrading of plugins, add -e REDMINE_PLUGINS_MIGRATE=1:
# $ sudo docker compose run -e REDMINE_PLUGINS_MIGRATE=1
image: redmine:5.0.5
container_name: redmine
restart: always
- 80:3000
# these have been moved to assets/config/database.yml so we can specify the timeout
# REDMINE_DB_SQLSERVER: <SQL server host name or IP>
# REDMINE_DB_PASSWORD: <SQL server password for redmine database user>
# REDMINE_DB_USERNAME: <SQL server user for redmine database>
# REDMINE_DB_DATABASE: <Redmine database name>
- /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/plugins:/usr/src/redmine/plugins
- /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/themes:/usr/src/redmine/public/themes-new
- /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/files:/usr/src/redmine/files
- /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/config/configuration.yml:/usr/src/redmine/config/configuration.yml
- /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/config/database.yml:/usr/src/redmine/config/database.yml
Press CTRL+S
and CTRL+X
to save and exit
The above docker cmpose file will setup the Redmine docker instance with port 80 on the host server mapped to the internal port 3000 for Redmine in the docker container. That means you will be able to access Redmine by going to your server's http address.
Launch Redmine Docker Image
$ docker compose build
# Launch docker container in interactiver terminal mode
$ docker compose up
# (To stop the running container in interactive mode, press @CTRL+C@)
# OR launch docker container in the background
$ docker compose up -d
For your reference, you can stop and remove the image as follows:
$ docker compose down
Install and Update Plugins and Themes
After the docker image is running and the website is up, copy or fetch the plugin into the host machine's plugins folder.
Then, login to the docker container's bash CLI and install the plugins using the gem bundler:
# Copy new plugins into the mapped plugin folder and remove the source folder
$ mv -r /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/plugins-new/* /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/plugins/
$ rm -rf /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/plugins-new
# Find the docker container name
$ sudo docker ps
# The container name is: redmine
# Login to the container's bash CLI:
$ sudo docker exec -ti redmine gosu redmine bash
# Copy the default themes from the new Redmine instance into the new themes folder
redmine-1234$ cp -r /usr/src/redmine/public/themes/*.* /usr/src/redmine/public/themes-new/
# Setup bundle to not install for development and test setup
redmine-1234$ bundle config set --local without 'development test'
# install any new gem bundles
redmine-1234$ bundle install
# Upgrade all the plugins
redmine-1234$ bundle exec rake redmine:plugins:migrate RAILS_ENV=production
redmine-1234$ exit
Now that we have copied the new Redmine's default themes into the new themes folder, it now contains the default themes that came with Redmine, as well as our latest downloaded themes. So, let's switch the new themese folder to be the actual themes folder. Edit the compose file and under the volumes
section, change to themes-new
to themes
$ nano compose.yaml
Content under volumes:
- /home/administrator/redmine-docker/assets/themes:/usr/src/redmine/public/themes
Press CTRL+S
and CTRL+X
to save and exit
Re-start Redmine:
# Re-start Redmine:
$ docker compose down
$ docker compose up -d
You should now be able to login to Redmine using your old Redmine login instance by going to your host machine's IP or DNS name as http://<server IP or domain name>
Configure plugins, etc
- For users to use the API access key, Enable REST web service must be turned on in the "API" tab of the setting page.
- You can use the
plugin to inject css and js into Redmine:- go to Administration/View customize
- Click on the + sign for New View Customize
- define pattern as:
- Insertion position:
Head of all pages
- Type:
- Code: Enter your customized css code
- Enabled:
- Click
on the bottom-left
- Click on the + sign for New View Customize
- define pattern as:
- Insertion position: Head of all pages
- Type:
- Code: Enter your customized js code
- Enabled:
- Click
on the bottom-left
LDAP Configuration
We use Exchange server for user authentication, and this section shows how to setup LDAP Authentication in Redmine for user authenitcation via the exchange server.- Click
- Click
LDAP Authentication
- Click
New Authentication Mode
near the top-right - Enter these values:
Field Value Name Active Directory Host <your LDAP server name e..g> Port, protocol 389, LDAP Account <LDAP domain e.g. abc>\$login Password [leave empty] Base DN DC=<LDAP domain e.g abc>,DC=com LDAP filter [leave empty] Timeout [leave empty] or try : (sAMAccountType=805306368) On-the-fly user creation [checked] ATTRIBUTES Login attribute sAMAccountName Firstname Attribute givenName Lastname Attribute sN email Attribute mail
Test LDAP:
You can test to make sure LDAP is working on the host machine as follows:
# install LDAP utilities
$ sudo apt install ldap-utils -y
# test LDAP connection
$ ldapsearch -H ldap://<LDAP server domain name> -D "<>" -W -b "dc=<LDAP domain e.g. abc>,dc=com" "(sAMAccountType=805306368)" | grep "# "
If LDAP is working on the host machine, then you can switch any user to login via Active directory by changing the Authentication Mode to use Active directory, in theur User settings. Their login name will be the part of your email before the @ sign. The password will be your Active directory passowrd for that login.
I would suggest that you make another admin account with Authentication Mode set to Internal Login, before switching yoru main admin account to use Active Directory. This is so that in case Active Directory login fails, you can still get into Redmine using that other account as an Admin, and fix things.
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