How many times have you had to review and change code that someone else wrote, and you get frustrated by the lack of comments in the code, making it a frustrating and time consuming task to figure out how the code works and what it does?
Even more frustrating are comments that don't tell us anything. They just waste more of our time, time that we spend reading them, which becomes totally wasted time.
Here I will add actual wasteful comments that I came across while reviewing code. I have changed the names of variables, etc to preserve confidentiality. I believe that the authors of these comments should be provided with a free noose to hang themselves with.
Useless Comments
err... doesn't the whole code consist of "some logic"??? hello???
This is great! Now all I have to do is go look up that bug... oh wait, we don't have that database anymore... aaargghh!!!
Oh ok. Its... like.... I blinked my eye... I turned my head... I peed in the toilet...
hmm... really?